The Deadlift Journey
For a lot of lifters, the mindset of being able to cope with the struggles of life, are often trained in the weights room. Standing in front of adversity after adversity, we prepare for our next biggest challenge ahead of us. Sickness, loss, death. It's true when they say what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. "To me, training has never really been about the muscle size or strength. It's been my way of dealing with life." - Dave Tate, elitefts 185x1 - October 2019 Fixed Mindsets I was...
Get Up, Show Up
We spend time showing up to jobs for hours a day that don’t align with our dreams. We show up to positions for the long haul, neglecting the deep yearn for (those who have discovered) passions ignited within, out of a misplaced fear. It can feel as if the longer we stay in these places, the potentiality of our goals seem to become increasingly distant. But what if we took a moment to consider the result of spending the same amount of hours a day working on something that you...